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BCSLA Board and Committees

BCSLA consists of six Core Committees of the Board of Directors. Each Committee has at least one Board Member who is tasked with: liaising with the Board and administering the Committee and Sub-Committees. Please contact the BCSLA office today to participate.


All meeting Minutes that have been approved are available on request by mail or email.  Please contact the BCSLA office for details.  View the list of motions approved by the Board of Directors below. 

2024 Motions

2023 Motions

2022 Motions 

2021 Motions 

2020 Motions

2019 Motions

2018 Motions

2017 Motions

2016 Motions


View the list of current Board of Directors



Derek Lee, Chair; Elaine Naisby, Maciej Golaszewski, Carolyn Kennedy, Tenille Thompson and Pearl Yip


Stephen Popovich, Chair;  Patrick Mooney, Al Neufeld, Mark Vaughan, Raymond Visser and Scott Watson


Jose Gonzalez, Co-Chair, Dorsai Sharif, Co-Chair, Qing Li, Nastaran Moradinejad, Nancy Paul, Dave Thompson and Pearl Yip, Liaison to BCSLA Board of Directors


Scott Watson, Chair; Somaye Hooshmand, Katie Hurst, John Musil, Valoree Richmond, Daniel Roehr, Jaclyn Ryback, Dimitri Samaridis and Mark Vaughan


Stephen Popovich, Derek Lee, Patrick Mooney, Jaqueline Lowe, Scott Watson


Jacqueline Lowe, Chair and Stephen Popovich


Patrick Mooney, Chair


Derek Lee, Chair; Jim Dema-Ala, Dustin Dilts, Elaine Naisby, Tenillle Thompson, Monica Vogt and Pearl Yip

Sub-Committees & Others:

  • Advisory Design Panel Sub-Committee, Al Tanzer, Chair
  • BCSLA Landscape Schedules, Scott Watson, Registrar
  • BCSLA Intern & Associate Sub-Committee, Jim Dema-Ala, Chair; Michael Banks and Jan Lee
  • Canadian Landscape Standard, Meredith Mitchell
  • Landscape Architecture Project VI, Karin England & Jacqueline Lowe
  • Privacy Officer, Scott Watson, Registrar

Chapter Representatives:

  • BC Interior Chapter, Kim McNamee, Chair
  • Vancouver Island Chapter, Tenille Thompson, Chair 
  • Squamish/Whistler Chapter, Tom Barratt, Chair

Professional Governance Act - Working Group (PGA-WG)

This group was established to review and plan for impacts resulting from the inclusion of the BCSLA in the Professional Governance Act (PGA). It will look at bylaws and standards revisions, governance structure, continuing education and advocacy programs, the scope of practice along with recent changes made by the professional bodies that are designated under the PGA.    Please see   Professional Governance Act - Working Group Terms of Reference  

The PGA-WG includes Karin England, Chair; Jacqueline Lowe, Alternate Chair; Jim Dema-Ala, Joe Fry, Paul de Greeff and Erik Mustonen.

Advancing Equity and Diversity in Landscape Architecture 
The mission of the Advancing Equity and Diversity in Landscape Architecture (AEDLA) working group of the BCSLA is to champion justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion within the landscape architecture profession in BC and in the systems, environments, and spaces we design. With a community-based approach, we will support membership to action justice, equity, diversity and inclusion for the diverse peoples and communities we serve now and for future generations. Please see the Advancing Equity and Diversity in Landscape Architecture (AEDLA) Working Group Terms of Reference.

Mickella Sjoquist and Rossana Ho, Co-Chairs; Pearl Yip, Tatum Lawlor, Yaying Zhou, Celia Winters, and Catrina Warner.
Teena Aujla and Jeryn Mackey - BCSLA AEDLA Co-reps to CSLA Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion committee.

2023 Strategic Plan Task Force

Scott Watson, Chair; Patrick Mooney, Al Neufeld, Mickella Sjoquist and Ian Wasson


> Download the BCSLA Strategic Plan 2023 (July, 2023)


    Click to view background photo & credits
    Project: Hanley Residence
    Landscape Architect / Firm: LeFrank & Associates Ltd.
    Location: Brentwood Bay, British Columbia
    Photo Credit: David Hollebone